Shooting a lot of swimming for the last fifteen years sometimes one gets a bit bored with the normal stock action shots. An easy way to get out of it is to slow the shutter down on your camera and get some movement in your images. In photographic terms this is called panning. In swimming…
Drag that shutter……!!!!!!!
November 5, 2011
Gerhard Steenkamp
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2011apertureAuto ISOCameracamera insuranceDenese Lupsdrag shutterDSLR PhotographyGerhard SteenkampGerhard Steenkamp Photographyhow a camera worksintroduction to photographyJohan JonckJPEGNikonPanningPhotographyphotography basicsPhototalkSealsshuttersports photographySuper sportSuperimage Mediaswimming photography
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