The last two weeks I have been traveling with my big friend Jaap Wildeboer through the Kruger National Park. First we were in Satara and now in Lower Sabie. Jaap just took up Photography a month ago and while helping him to sort out his stuff I once again realized what it is that “newcomers”…
Seeing the light – From Satara to Lower Sabie
October 4, 2011
Gerhard Steenkamp
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2011agamaapertureAuto ISOCameracubDSLR Photographyelephantfemale sports photographer Denese LupsGerhard SteenkampGerhard Steenkamp Photographyhow a camera workshyenaintroduction to photographyisoJohan JonckJPEGKruger National ParklensLionNikonPhotographyphotography basicsPhototalkPortraitureRAWsafarishutterWildlife
On Safari in the Kruger – Day 1
After a hectic weekend in Bloemfontein(a Wedding on Friday, Kovsie Aquatic Swimming Gala on Saturday and Celtic vs Kaiser Chiefs at Seisa Ramabodu Saturday evening) and 900 km further we arrived at Pretorius Kop in the Kruger National park this afternoon. After we quickly unpacked we went for our first game drive. Not much except…
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