If I can pinpoint one characteristic of my wedding photos it is using a 300 mm F2.8 lens to capture portraiture during weddings. Sometimes it is a good thing to come out of one’s comfort zone and try something totally different, and that is just what I did at the last two weddings I captured…
Using a 14-24mm F2.8 Nikon lens to Capture wedding images.
A photo safari in the Kgalagadi – January 2012
Striking the Kgalagadi Trans Frontier Park in January while a heat wave is sweeping through the country is no joke. Forty Five degrees Celsius was the norm with animals hiding under every inch of shade during midday. Luckily for me I got some amazing sightings during my two week stay with lots of photographic opportunities….
In Conversation with travel photographer Greg Ewing
There is no better time than summer in South Africa to share some stunning images from one of our best outdoor photographers, Greg Ewing. I met Greg a few years back at the Billabong Pro in J-Bay while he was still working full time for Zig Zag magazine. Since then he became a freelance travel\sport\outdoor…
The Ultimate Kgalagadi – Botswana trip
In April this year we went for a two week trip to Botswana. It is a pleasure to share our experiences with other nature and wildlife enthusiasts. The big difference from the normal Botswana trip was that we routed our trip through the Kgalagadi National Park. On 20 April 2011 we left Bloemfontein for Twee…
Who are the best at capturing extreme sports on camera?
Photographer Craig Kolesky will most certainly be one of the top candidates! For the past several years he has captured extreme and adrenaline sports on camera for Red Bull, a brand well respected in the extreme sports environment! We at Phototalk were fortunate enough to have had a converstation with Craig and to try and…
Special Family moments in Sport captured through the lens of the Camera
Many times in Sports brothers or sisters are competing against each other or are even playing for the same team. Sometimes even children and their parents are sharing some special moments in sport. These moments always present the opportunity for some breathtakingly beautiful photos, and for the sports photographer, it is a challenge to capture…
Seeing the light – From Satara to Lower Sabie
The last two weeks I have been traveling with my big friend Jaap Wildeboer through the Kruger National Park. First we were in Satara and now in Lower Sabie. Jaap just took up Photography a month ago and while helping him to sort out his stuff I once again realized what it is that “newcomers”…
My Menu on a Nikon D3
On the Nikon system you got a option to setup your own menu. It is very easy. Just go to my Menu and then to add. Scroll through all the different menus and add those settings that you most regularly using to your “My Menu” This helps one a lot when you quickly want to…
Joe McNally – Photographers – What a strange Bunch
This is still the best description i have read to describe what’s going on in a photographers mind. Definitely a strange bunch. “Photographers. We’re strange, right? We can’t stop. We run when others walk. We work when others relax. We have no sense of weekends, holidays, time off, time on, or time in general, except…
Be at the right place at the right time
In the mid 90′s I had the privilege to have met Hoffie Hofmeister, head photographer for the Rapport (Sunday newspaper in SA) at the time. What always amazes me about Hoffie was that how he always manage to be at the right place at the right moment while taking sport pictures. If one opens the Rapport…
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Recent Posts
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