Talk to anyone who has been to Duba Plains in the Okavango Delta and you will hear the same phrase: …”What an amazing experience!!”. I had the privilege earlier this month to visit this remote area made famous by the movie “The Last Lion” and came back with hundreds of images and a memory for…
Duba Plains …..where you discover yourself in the presence of the wild!
“I believe that people who are interested in learning more about themselves and finding a solution to being must attempt, at least once in their lives, to be in the presence of the wild and in isolation from the clutter of modern society.” – Derek Joubert Duba Plains, known for its unique…
A photo safari in the Kgalagadi – January 2012
Striking the Kgalagadi Trans Frontier Park in January while a heat wave is sweeping through the country is no joke. Forty Five degrees Celsius was the norm with animals hiding under every inch of shade during midday. Luckily for me I got some amazing sightings during my two week stay with lots of photographic opportunities….
The Ultimate Kgalagadi – Botswana trip
In April this year we went for a two week trip to Botswana. It is a pleasure to share our experiences with other nature and wildlife enthusiasts. The big difference from the normal Botswana trip was that we routed our trip through the Kgalagadi National Park. On 20 April 2011 we left Bloemfontein for Twee…
The Magic of Chobe through the lens
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain To dream and discover a place like…
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