The 5th of November 2011 is International CPR Day. We have often seen bits of pieces on CPR on television and in the movies – but do we really know how to perform this lifesaving technique?
We would like to refer readers to the main criteria – the need to CHECK, CALL and CARE. On the road an emergency becomes even more life –threatening by the presence of other moving traffic. You need to check for these dangers before considering any emergency procedure, you would need to call qualified and well trained emergency response teams and you might need to know the basics of how to care for the accident victim.
It is not only on the road where CPR may be the lifesaving procedure – but especially at this time of year around swimming pools at our residences.
What is CPR?
Definition: An emergency procedure consisting of external cardiac massage and artificial respiration; the first treatment for a person who has collapsed and has no pulse and has stopped breathing; attempts to restore circulation of the blood and prevent death or brain damage due to lack of oxygen
CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation) is a life saving emergency response technique. Performing CPR pumps oxygen-rich blood into the heart and brain. It can prevent brain damage and may save a life.
Few road users however know this technique and have only seen this administered, often incorrectly on television and the movies.
How can I learn to perform lifesaving CPR?
The best way to learn CPR is to attend a CPR class presented by an accredited medical institution or emergency response provider. CPR is a skill both to be learnt, practiced and regularly updated.
What are the Basic Steps of CPR?
The Basic Steps are easy to remember – When you get to a scene, and you find an emergency situation, follow these 3 basic steps: CHECK , CALL , CARE.
It is important for all those who have done first aid training courses to note that the American Heart Association has recently revised the guidelines on how to perform CPR.
To see how CPR is performed, view a step by step guide with photos at: