Category: Tutorials

An introduction to photography

This post is to cover the basics of photography and was originally written by Fredrik Silverglimth. This will also help you understand how light works with the camera. To take beautiful photographs you do not need an expensive camera and a bag full of equipment. What is important is the photographer’s ability to see his/her…

Using a 300mm F2.8 for Portraiture

In 1992 I bought my first 300 mm F2.8 second hand from Pieter Els a friend of mine. It was a Tamron lens fitted with a Novoflex Pistol Grip. Tamron is a Japanese Product and Novoflex German. They got together to combine this lens with the Pistol grip focusing mechanism. This was before the Auto…

Star Trail Photography

What is star trail photography really? Well it’s pretty basic and real easy to accomplish. It is 100’s of photos stacked on top of one another using software to create trails in sky. The trails are actually stars front to end and because they are stacked on top of one another it makes a line…