In sports photography there is a moment that captures the atmosphere and time in a split second that no human eye can see. That moment is often called the key moment or the decisive moment as famous sport photographer Walter Iooss calls it. It is normally a split second before the actual action of a…
The decisive moment in Sports Photography
October 18, 2011
Gerhard Steenkamp
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2011300mm F2.8All Blacksandre venteraperturebafana bafanaCameracamera insurancecheetahscricketDan CarterDenese LupsDSLR PhotographyGerhard SteenkampGerhard Steenkamp Photographyhow a camera worksintroduction to photographyiremiaisoJohan JonckJPEGMick FanningNikonPhotographyphotography basicsPhototalkPhototalk and rugbypotchefstroomsharksshutterSoccerSouth Africasports photographystefan terblancheSuperimage Mediaswimmingwalter ioosswestern transvaal.ithumeleng khune
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